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Our services

The accreditation programs and assessments we offer are primarily aimed at verifying whether your organization complies with the international standard ISO/IEC 17065. Our services are provided to certification bodies in accordance with your choice of the following international schemes:


We can assess your capacity to certify reserved-designation products (such as protected geographical indications (PGIs) or organic products) pursuant to the Act respecting Reserved Designations and Added-Value Claims. Our team can also grant you accreditation from the Conseil des Appellations Réservées et des Termes Valorisants (CARTV). This is a mandatory requirement for certifying such products in Québec.


L’Agence canadienne d’inspection des aliments (ACIA) est l’autorité compétente au Canada en matière de commerce interprovincial et international de produits biologiques sur le territoire canadien. Elle le fait conformément au Règlement sur la The Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) is the competent authority in Canada regarding interprovincial and international trade in organic products in Canada. It acts in compliance with the Safe Food for Canadians Regulations (SFCR). The CAEQ is among the organizations designated by the CFIA to assess, oversee and recommend the accreditation of certification bodies under the Canada Organic Regime (COR). Our team can therefore evaluate your organization’s capacity to comply with the COR requirements and recommend to the CFIA that it be accredited. Canada has signed a number of equivalence agreements with other countries under the COR. In this way, certification bodies and their clientele can have access to various international markets, such as:
• Switzerland
• Japan
• Costa Rica
• United States
• European Union
• Taiwan
• United Kingdom
• Mexico

European Union

The CAEQ offers a European Commission program for recognition of the compliance of certification bodies located in third countries. The program covers the export of organic products to European Union (EU) countries.


Our assessment program can enable your organization to be recognized as compliant with the national regulation Ley de productos organicos and to operate in Mexico regarding organic products.

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Do you have any questions?

Would you like to know more about our services or learn more about the accreditation process? Don't hesitate to ask us your questions.